14th birthday party ideas?! 10 points[:?

Bake her a carrot cake (use all natural ingredients) or whatever veggie she likes most, can even be fruit but be sure to look at the doggy toxicity chart first. You can look up on youtube how to make a doggy birthday cake. Dogs love them.

:) and you can use the left overs as treats for the next few days after. Also get her a bunch of toys you know she'd like and wrap them up, sit down with her and have her participate in unwrapping them. Get her a new collar, a nice bath, maybe even get her nails done :P do everything that day that she loves to do.

They make peanut-butter cupcakes for dogs. You could get her one and bake her some chicken or fried her a small steak. A flavored bone would probably piqued her interest.

Maybe buy her a new doggie bed, or walk her to the park or anywhere she likes in particular and give her a special treat.

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